Start program V 1.0 by Larry Kahn (C) 1994 all rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------- This program is designed to be used in place of the stock Windows NT start command. It will start up a process HIDDEN that is in an invisible window that you will not see. It works for win32 gui and console apps, dos apps and some win16 applications that are well behaved (i.e. do not ignore the initial SHOW WINDOW settings). SYNTAX: lkstart [-w] appname [parameters] WHERE: appname is the application name to run, and parameters are optional -w specified wait or do not return until the application terminates. the default is to NOT wait and return immediately after starting the application. EXAMPLES: lkstart pkzip *.* lkstart -w notepad NOTES: DOS commands like redirection '>' or dir will not work as the with the regular start command. Also some apps such as word do not *behave* correctly and will not start hidden. If the command is not found in the path a complete path can be specified. If the startup command fails a window will pop-up to display an error message. This application only works under NT version 3.5 (Daytona) or later since it starts up each appliation in a separate NTVDM (if win16 or dos apps). You will see an intial flash as the console window is created and then hidden. If the app opens up other windows on its own they will not be hidden. A console window will pop up and an error message will appear if the app does not start up correctly. This window will show the command string and the error message from GetLastError. If you have vc++ you can look up this error number in the winerror.h file. BACKGROUND: This program was created because there were complaints of no create and detach command i.e. run in the background like unix (i.e. prog &) WARNINGS: 1. As with the start command redirection i.e. > does not work correctly. ie "start type name.c > save." does not work. 2. If your application creates an error message that is written to stdout, stderror or the apps main gui window you will never see it since the windows are hidden. In fact if the app outputs an error message and leaves the window up the process will never terminate since the window handlers are still running. 3. Processes do not appear in the task manager list of NT. The only way to see the process created is to look in qslice or process viewer both available in the windows NT resource kit, or the NT sdk. Also the only way to terminate a process created with lkstart is to use the process viewer "kill task" option. 4. Dos commands such as dir do not work, only commands that are executables such as .com or .exe programs. Also do not specify the .com or .exe as the program will figure this out. 5. This program only works with NT 3.5 (Daytona) or later as it starts each win16 or dos app in a separate NTVDM. Good luck If anyone wants the source code for other platforms or wishes to discuss this program or report problems I can be reached at 910-630-0412 or 71534,600, or Note: I am not affiliated with microsoft in any way. Donations will be accepted at L. Kahn 6550 Countryside Drive Fayetteville, NC 28311