[WinSite]WinSite Package: fgw1.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: fgw1.zip

Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save)

The package fgw1.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 1023610 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Nov 4, 1992

Estimated Download times:

The package fgw1.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/demo/fgw1.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  30673  11-14-91  01:00   INSTALL.EXE
  16194  11-14-91  01:00   INSTALL.HLP
 161808  11-14-91  01:00   INSTMAIN.EXE
    304  11-14-91  01:00   INSTALL.INI
   3559  11-14-91  01:00   DISKLIST.INI
  11585  11-14-91  01:00   READ.ME
  34731  11-14-91  01:00   FLW.E!E
 109993  11-14-91  01:00   REMRESV.D!L
  17465  11-14-91  01:00   0BLOCKS.M!S
  18693  11-14-91  01:00   0SKETCH.M!S
  11878  11-14-91  01:00   DOTLINE.M!S
  19121  11-14-91  01:00   COMMOBJ.S!M
  38384  11-14-91  01:00   PEOPLE.S!M
  38369  11-14-91  01:00   TRANSPO.S!M
  26583  11-14-91  01:00   INFLATE.EXE
   1137  11-14-91  01:00   FLATE.RI
  17650  11-14-91  01:00   IVCW.DLL
     96  11-14-91  01:00   FLW.RI
     80  11-14-91  01:00   FLWICON.I!I
 504010  11-14-91  01:00   FLW.H!P
  19397  11-14-91  01:00   LTSICN01.D!L
  12238  11-14-91  01:00   FLWIBRSV.D!L
   2378  11-14-91  01:00   FLW.I!I
  10131  11-14-91  01:00   DRW_RGB.D!
   4533  11-14-91  01:00   FLWNET.D!L
      1  11-14-91  01:00   FLW.V10
    893  11-14-91  01:00   BWPRINT.P!L
    834  11-14-91  01:00   CPRINTER.P!L
  46032  11-14-91  01:00   HGTOFL.E!E
   2277  11-14-91  01:00   HGTOFL.M!S
   4712  11-14-91  01:00   FLCGRAPH.S!R
    919  11-14-91  01:00   FLCTEXT.S!R
    128  11-14-91  01:00   SN.DAT
 ------                    -------
1166786                    33

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