[WinSite]WinSite Package: mc50demo.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: mc50demo.zip

Music Companion 5.0d: Real time midi arranger demo

The package mc50demo.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 200891 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Nov 28, 1994

Estimated Download times:

The package mc50demo.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/demo/mc50demo.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  10464  11-19-94  05:00   16BEAT1.MCS
   5652  11-19-94  05:00   BOSSA1.MCS
   3719  11-19-94  05:00   DEMO07.MSG
  21918  11-19-94  05:00   E70.PCH
  21918  11-19-94  05:00   GM.PCH
 116224  11-19-94  05:00   M2S.EXE
  32956  11-19-94  05:00   MC.HLP
 271872  11-19-94  05:00   MC5.EXE
   2311  11-19-94  05:00   PATCHES
   2035  11-19-94  05:00   README
  98880  11-19-94  05:00   REALTIME.DLL
  14001  11-19-94  05:00   SC.HLP
  16345  11-19-94  05:00   SONG.DLL
   1257  11-19-94  05:00   STANDARD.PLS
  21918  11-19-94  05:00   YAM-SY55.PCH
  21918  11-19-94  05:00   YAM-W5W7.PCH
    221  11-22-94  13:31   CONFIG.MC
 ------                    -------
 663609                    17

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