[WinSite]WinSite Package: mcademo1.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: mcademo1.zip

MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 1

The package mcademo1.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 598569 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Oct 1, 1991

Estimated Download times:

The package mcademo1.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/demo/mcademo1.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
 148800  12-11-90  12:00   ENABLER.EXE
  92402  12-11-90  12:00   GDI.EXE
      7  06-21-91  18:24   INSTALL.BAT
  54177  12-11-90  12:00   KERNEL.EXE
  26492  12-11-90  12:00   PROGMAN.EXE
   4640  12-11-90  12:00   SETUP.EXE
   1870  12-11-90  12:00   TASKMAN.EXE
 163221  12-11-90  12:00   USER.EXE
   2415  12-11-90  12:00   WIN.CNF
  42293  12-11-90  12:00   EGA.DRV
   5731  12-11-90  12:00   KEYBOARD.DRV
   2058  12-11-90  12:00   LMOUSE.DRV
   2896  12-11-90  12:00   MOUSE.DRV
    437  12-11-90  12:00   NOMOUSE.DRV
  42515  12-11-90  12:00   VGA.DRV
   2281  12-11-90  12:00   EGAFIX.FON
   2782  12-11-90  12:00   EGAOEM.FON
   2484  12-11-90  12:00   EGASYS.FON
   2453  12-11-90  12:00   VGAFIX.FON
   2989  12-11-90  12:00   VGAOEM.FON
   2620  12-11-90  12:00   VGASYS.FON
  45894  12-11-90  12:00   PROGMAN.HLP
  11090  07-01-91  12:00   ENABLER.INF
   1044  12-11-90  12:00   EGALOGO.LGO
   1085  12-11-90  12:00   VGALOGO.LGO
   4918  12-11-90  12:00   EGALOGO.RLE
   5696  12-11-90  12:00   VGALOGO.RLE
    470  12-11-90  12:00   SYSTEM.SRC
    596  12-11-90  12:00   WIN.SRC
   6702  12-11-90  12:00   HIMEM.SYS
  16331  12-11-90  12:00   ZVERSION.TXT
 ------                    -------
 699389                    31

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