[WinSite]WinSite Package: dropcap1.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: dropcap1.zip

Dropcap Creator

The package dropcap1.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 29783 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Jan 10, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package dropcap1.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/dropcap1.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   3968  12-20-94  12:00   README.WRI
  12195  12-20-94  12:00   README.EXE
    735  12-20-94  12:00   ORDERFRM.TXT
    445  12-20-94  12:00   FILE_ID.DIZ
    596  12-20-94  12:00   000Z.WMF
    756  12-20-94  12:00   000Y.WMF
    884  12-20-94  12:00   000X.WMF
    760  12-20-94  12:00   000W.WMF
    640  12-20-94  12:00   000V.WMF
    876  12-20-94  12:00   000U.WMF
    668  12-20-94  12:00   000T.WMF
   1036  12-20-94  12:00   000S.WMF
    864  12-20-94  12:00   000R.WMF
   1260  12-20-94  12:00   000Q.WMF
    844  12-20-94  12:00   000P.WMF
    940  12-20-94  12:00   000O.WMF
    688  12-20-94  12:00   000N.WMF
    720  12-20-94  12:00   000M.WMF
    680  12-20-94  12:00   000L.WMF
    884  12-20-94  12:00   000K.WMF
    792  12-20-94  12:00   000J.WMF
    612  12-20-94  12:00   000I.WMF
    820  12-20-94  12:00   000H.WMF
    980  12-20-94  12:00   000G.WMF
    832  12-20-94  12:00   000F.WMF
    856  12-20-94  12:00   000E.WMF
    836  12-20-94  12:00   000D.WMF
    932  12-20-94  12:00   000C.WMF
   1026  12-20-94  12:00   000B.WMF
    684  12-20-94  12:00   000A.WMF
 ------                    -------
  38809                    30

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