[WinSite]WinSite Package: hp2-5.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: hp2-5.zip

Home Planet v2: astronomy/space program (5/5)

The package hp2-5.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 1335608 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Mar 14, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package hp2-5.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/hp2-5.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  10824  01-08-95  00:00   3C.CS_
    928  01-08-95  00:00   ALIAS.CS_
 197219  01-08-95  00:00   ASTEROID.CS_
 261660  01-08-95  00:00   ASTNUM.CS_
 205187  01-08-95  00:00   ASTNUM1.CS_
  79993  01-08-95  00:00   ASTNUM2.CS_
   2966  01-08-95  00:00   ASTRNEW.CS_
  82395  01-08-95  00:00   ASTUNAME.CS_
   4296  01-08-95  00:00   CBOUNDS.CS_
   1559  01-08-95  00:00   CNAMES.CS_
    627  01-08-95  00:00   COMETNEW.CS_
   1775  01-08-95  00:00   COMETS.CS_
   7800  01-08-95  00:00   CONLINES.CS_
   3762  01-08-95  00:00   CONSTEL.CS_
  15573  01-08-95  00:00   DEEPOBJ.CS_
  17437  01-08-95  00:00   DEEPSKY.CS_
   4636  01-08-95  00:00   MESSIER.CS_
   1556  01-08-95  00:00   METEOR.CS_
   2189  01-08-95  00:00   NAVSTAR.CS_
    993  01-08-95  00:00   OBJECTS.CS_
    865  01-08-95  00:00   PLANETS.CS_
  68908  01-08-95  00:00   POSS.CS_
    647  01-08-95  00:00   SC2KBND.CS_
    414  01-08-95  00:00   SKYATL2K.CS_
 133591  01-08-95  00:00   SPACECRF.CS_
  12980  01-08-95  00:00   STARNAME.CS_
   2942  01-08-95  00:00   U2000.CS_
   3563  01-08-95  00:00   HPDDE.XL_
 149682  01-08-95  00:00   MAPBITS.DL_
  41320  01-08-95  00:00   MSCOMSTF.DL_
  11912  01-08-95  00:00   MSCUISTF.DL_
  14949  01-08-95  00:00   MSDETSTF.DL_
  40805  01-08-95  00:00   MSINSSTF.DL_
   9226  01-08-95  00:00   MSSHLSTF.DL_
   3970  01-08-95  00:00   MSUILSTF.DL_
   6435  01-08-95  00:00   SCENERY.DL_
   9334  01-08-95  00:00   HPLANET.MST
 ------                    -------
1414918                    37

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