[WinSite]WinSite Package: icondar2.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: icondar2.zip

Resizable wall-like calendar + 24 pictures

The package icondar2.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 695715 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Dec 9, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package icondar2.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/icondar2.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  39478  10-01-95  00:32   NOVEMBER.BMP
  61078  10-07-95  11:56   DECEMBER.BMP
  61078  10-07-95  11:58   FEBRUARY.BMP
  61078  10-07-95  12:34   JUNE.BMP
  61078  10-07-95  12:49   AUGUST.BMP
  55078  10-21-95  00:21   JULY.BMP
  55078  10-21-95  00:36   OCTOBER.BMP
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   FEBRUARY.BMX
  49349  10-21-95  18:03   OCTOBER.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   MAY.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   MARCH.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   JUNE.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   JULY.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   JANUARY.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   AUGUST.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   APRIL.BMX
  55109  10-21-95  18:03   DECEMBER.BMX
  55109  11-18-95  09:08   SEPTEMBE.BMX
  55109  11-18-95  09:17   NOVEMBER.BMX
  55078  11-18-95  11:54   MAY.BMP
  55078  11-18-95  11:55   APRIL.BMP
  55078  11-25-95  13:31   SEPTEMBE.BMP
  64128  12-02-95  11:22   INSTALL.EXE
  55078  12-02-95  16:32   JANUARY.BMP
  55078  12-02-95  17:31   MARCH.BMP
  74158  12-08-95  00:01   INTRO.BMP
  31414  12-09-95  01:48   ICONDAR.HLP
   2097  12-09-95  00:57   ORDER.TXT
 142016  12-09-95  01:01   ICONDAR.EXE
  90448  12-09-95  01:11   ADDONDAR.EXE
   2380  12-09-95  01:27   LICENSE.TXT
 ------                    -------
1731525                    31

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