[WinSite]WinSite Package: mst3kwin.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: mst3kwin.zip

Saver/wlppr/snds tribute to MysteryScienceTheater3000

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Select this link to download the entire package now (size 1102199 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Oct 3, 1993

Estimated Download times:

The package mst3kwin.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/mst3kwin.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  29708  09-02-93  18:23   BADMOVIE.WA_
  28383  09-03-93  09:28   BUTTON.WA_
  96394  09-03-93  09:29   BYTHIS.WA_
  35987  09-03-93  09:30   BYTHISTI.WA_
  37591  02-04-93  13:09   DWSPYDLL.DL_
  10202  09-02-93  18:26   GYPSYSEZ.WA_
  51669  09-02-93  18:27   HIIMSAT.WA_
   6618  09-03-93  09:30   HOOBOY.WA_
  31847  09-02-93  18:27   ISHOULDR.WA_
   7437  09-02-93  18:28   LALALA2.WA_
  55684  09-03-93  09:31   LUNGS.WA_
  16556  10-21-92  00:00   MCI.VB_
   6343  09-02-93  14:41   MST3K.CP_
  19324  09-03-93  13:25   MST3K.EX_
  21607  09-02-93  18:40   MST3KBUG.WA_
  30422  09-03-93  09:31   MST3KDIS.WA_
  27398  09-03-93  09:32   MST3KENN.WA_
  33825  09-03-93  09:32   MST3KFAB.WA_
  52582  09-02-93  18:40   MST3KFOR.WA_
  25528  09-03-93  09:33   MST3KGO.WA_
  22149  09-02-93  18:44   MST3KHAT.WA_
  22128  09-03-93  09:34   MST3KIMM.WA_
  19288  09-03-93  09:34   MST3KMOC.WA_
  46105  09-02-93  18:43   MST3KMOV.WA_
  15203  09-03-93  09:35   MST3KROT.WA_
  27684  09-02-93  18:43   MST3KSAM.WA_
  13029  09-03-93  13:29   MST3KSET.EX_
  43081  09-03-93  09:36   MST3KWEE.WA_
  12242  09-03-93  09:37   MST3KWEI.WA_
  15604  09-03-93  09:37   MST3KYEA.WA_
   5682  09-03-93  09:38   PRETTY.WA_
 109333  09-02-93  18:22   ROBOTROL.WA_
  38067  02-04-93  13:13   SBC.VB_
  15312  04-28-93  00:00   SETUP.EXE
     26  09-03-93  14:41   SETUP.LST
  15206  09-03-93  14:37   SETUP1.EX_
   3657  04-28-93  00:00   SETUPKIT.DL_
  37093  09-03-93  09:38   SOLONG.WA_
  60026  09-02-93  18:31   SPELLPAT.WA_
  47625  09-03-93  09:39   THANKS.WA_
   6307  03-10-92  00:10   VER.DL_
    240  09-03-93  14:44   README.TXT
 ------                    -------
1200192                    42

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