[WinSite]WinSite Package: nmfw146e.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: nmfw146e.zip

New Menus for Windows v1.46

The package nmfw146e.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 654628 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Sep 9, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package nmfw146e.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/nmfw146e.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
    236  08-22-95  14:06   WRITE.MNU
   4096  08-22-95  14:06   WIN95INF.WRI
    102  08-22-95  14:06   VSCREEN.INI
  14445  08-22-95  14:06   VENDOR.DOC
   2025  08-22-95  14:06   SDN.ID
  23040  08-22-95  14:06   RRKMNDLL.DLL
   4571  08-22-95  14:06   RRKMENU.INI
 796160  08-22-95  14:06   RRKMENU.EXE
 242296  08-22-95  14:06   RRKMENG.HLP
 268288  08-22-95  14:06   RRKMENG.DLL
   9984  08-22-95  14:06   REGISTER.WRI
  29824  08-22-95  14:06   README.WRI
  62700  08-22-95  14:06   PTCHDRV.ZIP
   1326  08-22-95  14:06   PFE.MNU
   5120  08-22-95  14:06   PATCHDRV.WRI
   5376  08-22-95  14:06   OLDMMODE.WRI
  43008  08-22-95  14:06   OLDMMODE.EXE
  10240  08-22-95  14:06   OLDMMH.DLL
  28672  08-22-95  14:06   NTLAYER.EXE
  28672  08-22-95  14:06   NMNTLY.DLL
    736  08-22-95  14:06   LOGINHLP.TXT
  65536  08-22-95  14:06   HISTORY.WRI
    482  08-22-95  14:06   FILE_ID.DIZ
   3712  08-22-95  14:06   EXTRMNU.WRI
  52224  08-22-95  14:06   EXTRMNU.EXE
  25104  08-22-95  14:06   CTL3D.DLL
  11041  08-22-95  14:06   ADDONS.MNU
  79360  08-22-95  14:06   ADDONS.DLL
   9473  08-22-95  19:48   VENDINFO.DIZ
 ------                    -------
1827849                    29

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