[WinSite]WinSite Package: ozw108f.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: ozw108f.zip

OzGIS mapping 6/14 - Mandatory files

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Date Contributed to Archive: May 1, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package ozw108f.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/ozw108f.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
    642  10-20-94  19:24   oztest.vcw
    350  09-24-94  10:51   oztest.wsp
    302  06-18-94  17:08   oztest.mak
  89190  12-28-90  18:10   oz-g.dat
  97280  06-02-93  20:58   oz.geo
   4152  04-19-91  17:41   oz-a.dat
   4096  04-11-95  21:00   oz.att
   2048  05-16-93  10:35   oz.cmb
   6738  01-28-95  15:46   ozattr.wk1
    102  03-27-93  12:15   ozgis2.dat
    910  01-28-95  15:47   ozname.wk1
   3214  01-28-95  15:48   ozxy.wk1
   4096  01-28-95  16:30   ozattr.att
   6144  01-28-95  16:07   ozxy.geo
    709  08-18-91  18:13   demolamm.dat
   1556  11-05-91  20:35   demoline.dat
   2136  10-13-91  05:22   demofc.dat
   1112  02-18-92  21:23   demosasg.dat
   1951  08-22-91  10:29   demo123.dat
    663  12-28-90  17:42   demoattr.dat
    300  12-28-90  17:43   democomb.dat
    824  12-28-91  12:54   democomd.dat
     52  12-28-90  17:43   demoname.dat
   1065  12-28-90  17:43   demosasa.dat
   1825  12-28-90  17:44   demozone.dat
   1120  12-29-91  11:42   demozseg.dat
   1795  08-19-92  08:26   demoaddr.dat
    252  11-05-91  20:36   demopoin.dat
   1105  11-21-91  07:57   democoln.dat
    899  03-27-93  08:54   demomtch.dat
   2605  01-29-91  16:46   demogina.dat
    787  11-24-92  17:40   demotext.dat
   1951  08-22-91  10:29   demo123.wk1
  13312  09-05-93  11:28   c256sv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:28   c256sv2.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:29   c256sv3.dev
  13312  09-17-94  20:45   c256sv4.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:29   c256sv5.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:29   c256sv6.dev
  13312  06-28-94  17:27   default.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:29   c256sv7.dev
  13312  06-28-94  17:27   c256sv8.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:30   c256sv9.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:30   c256sv10.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:30   c256bv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:30   c256bv2.dev
  13312  09-05-93  11:30   c256bv3.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:33   csimbv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:33   csimbv2.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:33   csimbv3.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:37   csimsv9.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:40   winsv.dev
  13312  09-05-93  14:40   winbv.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv2.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv3.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv4.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv5.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:03   csimsv6.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:04   csimsv7.dev
  13312  06-28-94  17:20   csimsv8.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:21   hatchbv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:21   hatchsv1.dev
  13312  09-05-93  15:21   defhard.dev
  13312  10-09-93  15:52   temp.dev
 ------                    -------
 667955                    65

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