[WinSite]WinSite Package: pvga1024.exe[WinSite]

WinSite Package: pvga1024.exe

All Paradise/Western Digital 90c30 drivers (1/18/93)

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Select this link to download the entire package now (size 854487 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Feb 11, 1993

Estimated Download times:

The package pvga1024.exe has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/drivers/video/pvga1024.exe
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   3646  01-18-93  12:04   8514FIX.FON
   4237  01-18-93  12:04   8514OEM.FON
   3633  01-18-93  12:04   8514SYS.FON
   3729  01-18-93  12:04   CGA40850.FON
   3563  01-18-93  12:04   CGA40WOA.FON
   3049  01-18-93  12:04   CGA80850.FON
   3039  01-18-93  12:04   CGA80WOA.FON
   8612  01-18-93  12:04   COURE.FON
  11021  01-18-93  12:04   COURF.FON
  16721  01-18-93  12:04   DOSAPP.FON
   4058  01-18-93  12:04   EGA40850.FON
   3933  01-18-93  12:04   EGA40WOA.FON
   3243  01-18-93  12:04   EGA80850.FON
   3259  01-18-93  12:04   EGA80WOA.FON
  51062  01-18-93  12:04   MMWD480.DRV
  50407  01-18-93  12:04   MMWD600.DRV
  50785  01-18-93  12:04   MMWD768.DRV
  51045  01-18-93  12:04   NMMWD480.DRV
  50391  01-18-93  12:04   NMMWD600.DRV
  50768  01-18-93  12:04   NMMWD768.DRV
    177  01-18-93  12:04   OEMDISK1
   5582  01-18-93  12:04   OEMSETUP.INF
  52170  01-18-93  12:04   P32K480.DRV
  52222  01-18-93  12:04   P32K600.DRV
   3996  01-18-93  12:04   PVGA.GR2
  45412  01-18-93  12:04   PVGA600.DRV
   2327  01-18-93  12:04   READ.ME
  21454  01-18-93  12:04   SERIFE.FON
  27241  01-18-93  12:04   SERIFF.FON
  12501  01-18-93  12:04   SMALLE.FON
  10489  01-18-93  12:04   SMALLF.FON
  21643  01-18-93  12:04   SSERIFE.FON
  27627  01-18-93  12:04   SSERIFF.FON
  47253  01-18-93  12:04   SVGA1024.DRV
  47258  01-18-93  12:04   SVGA1280.DRV
  47260  01-18-93  12:04   SVGA960.DRV
  21296  01-18-93  12:04   SYMBOLE.FON
  27198  01-18-93  12:04   SYMBOLF.FON
   8960  01-18-93  12:04   V7VGA.3GR
  19642  01-18-93  12:04   VDDPVGA.386
   2715  01-18-93  12:04   VGAFIX.FON
   1245  01-18-93  12:04   VGALOGO.LGO
   9204  01-18-93  12:04   VGALOGO.RLE
   3219  01-18-93  12:04   VGAOEM.FON
   3111  01-18-93  12:04   VGASYS.FON
 ------                    -------
 901403                    45

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