[WinSite]WinSite Package: w31dgis.exe[WinSite]

WinSite Package: w31dgis.exe

Win3.1 Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards

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Date Contributed to Archive: May 2, 1992

Estimated Download times:

The package w31dgis.exe has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/drivers/video/w31dgis.exe
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  10690  01-31-92  13:02   READ.ME
 140912  02-27-92  12:17   DGIS.DRV
   4824  01-31-92  12:59   OEMSETUP.INF
  21728  08-26-91  14:08   DGISCFG.EXE
  21599  08-26-91  14:09   DGISCFG.HLP
   4484  12-17-91  03:10   VGACOLOR.2GR
  27454  12-17-91  03:10   VGALOGO.RLE
   1280  12-17-91  03:10   VGALOGO.LGO
  15360  12-17-91  03:10   VGADIB.3GR
   6288  12-17-91  03:10   CGA40WOA.FON
   4256  12-17-91  03:10   CGA80WOA.FON
   8320  12-17-91  03:10   EGA40WOA.FON
   5264  12-17-91  03:10   EGA80WOA.FON
   5328  12-17-91  03:10   VGAFIX.FON
  10944  12-17-91  03:10   8514FIX.FON
   5120  12-17-91  03:10   VGAOEM.FON
  12256  12-17-91  03:10   8514OEM.FON
  89600  12-17-91  03:10   SSERIFF.FON
  64464  12-17-91  03:10   SSERIFE.FON
  23360  12-17-91  03:10   COURE.FON
  31680  12-17-91  03:10   COURF.FON
  81664  12-17-91  03:10   SERIFF.FON
  57872  12-17-91  03:10   SERIFE.FON
  56272  12-17-91  03:10   SYMBOLE.FON
  80848  12-17-91  03:10   SYMBOLF.FON
  26112  12-17-91  03:10   SMALLE.FON
  21504  12-17-91  03:10   SMALLF.FON
  15296  12-17-91  03:10   WIN.CNF
   9232  12-17-91  03:10   8514SYS.FON
   7248  12-17-91  03:10   VGASYS.FON
   8848  12-17-91  03:10   HERC850.FON
   2155  12-17-91  03:10   HERCULES.2GR
   9216  12-17-91  03:10   HERC.3GR
  16492  12-17-91  03:10   HERCLOGO.RLE
   1008  12-17-91  03:10   HERCLOGO.LGO
  10329  12-17-91  03:10   VDDHERC.386
   8832  12-17-91  03:10   HERCWOA.FON
  70157  01-21-92  09:21   DGISVGA.386
   8336  12-17-91  03:10   EGA40850.FON
    348  02-04-92  09:43   README.1ST
 ------                    -------
1006980                    40

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