[WinSite]WinSite Package: boxcar1c.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: boxcar1c.zip

BoxCars Casion v1.0c

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Date Contributed to Archive: Aug 31, 1995

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The package boxcar1c.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/games/boxcar1c.zip

BOXCARS CASINO v1.0c:  $9.50 Shareware casino
game for Microsoft Windows.  May be the very
best casino simulation you'll ever buy!
Features CRAPS (including place bets), POKER
(5-card draw, 5- or 7-card stud, hold'em
against 3 or 5 computer-players), SLOTS (1-
row, or 3-row progressive), BACCARAT,
ROULETTE, BLACKJACK (with strategy & counting
trainers) and KENO (every 5 minutes while you
play other games).  Comprehensive manual.

 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
    445  08-30-95  20:03   FILE_ID.DIZ
  11582  09-19-94  17:26   6WAYAPPE.WAV
   6839  09-19-94  17:26   6WAYGAME.WAV
  25334  09-19-94  17:27   BACCARAT.WAV
   4794  06-27-95  08:40   COINLAND.WAV
   1292  09-19-94  17:27   BALLHIT.WAV
  28972  09-19-94  17:28   BALLHITR.WAV
  28972  09-19-94  17:28   BALLROLL.WAV
   4556  09-19-94  17:28   BET.WAV
   1900  09-19-94  17:29   BLACKJAC.WAV
   5356  09-19-94  17:29   CALL.WAV
   3036  09-19-94  17:29   CARDFLIP.WAV
   1516  09-19-94  17:30   CARDPLAC.WAV
   6181  09-19-94  17:30   CARDSHUF.WAV
    804  09-19-94  17:31   CHIPCHIP.WAV
   1164  09-19-94  17:31   CHIPFLOO.WAV
   1060  09-19-94  17:31   CHIPSTAC.WAV
  11172  09-19-94  17:32   CRAPSOPE.WAV
   1992  09-19-94  17:33   DIEFLOOR.WAV
  11474  07-12-95  15:29   DIEONDIE.WAV
    410  09-19-94  17:33   DIESHAK0.WAV
     95  09-19-94  17:34   DIESHAK1.WAV
    996  09-19-94  17:34   DIESHAK2.WAV
    418  09-19-94  17:35   DIESHAK3.WAV
    533  09-19-94  17:36   DIESHAK4.WAV
    662  09-19-94  17:36   DIESHAK5.WAV
    474  09-19-94  17:37   DIESHAK6.WAV
    552  09-19-94  17:37   DIESHAK7.WAV
   6956  09-19-94  17:37   DIESLIDE.WAV
    812  09-19-94  17:38   DIEWALLB.WAV
   1861  09-19-94  17:39   DRAWDOWN.WAV
   1861  09-19-94  17:39   DRAWUP.WAV
   3382  09-19-94  17:40   ERRORBEE.WAV
   4556  09-19-94  17:40   FOLD.WAV
   3389  09-19-94  17:40   INSERT10.WAV
   3111  09-19-94  17:41   INSERT25.WAV
   8378  07-12-95  15:29   KENOBELL.WAV
   2372  09-19-94  17:41   KENOOPEN.WAV
   3580  09-19-94  17:42   KENOWINN.WAV
  11444  09-19-94  17:42   LOSTALL.WAV
  37592  07-08-95  19:20   POKEROPE.WAV
   2526  09-19-94  17:43   PUCKAPPE.WAV
   2526  09-19-94  17:43   PUCKREMO.WAV
   3838  09-19-94  17:43   RAISE.WAV
   1436  07-08-95  19:21   REELSTOP.WAV
   3811  09-19-94  17:44   ROULETTE.WAV
   5587  09-19-94  17:44   ROULSTOP.WAV
    588  09-19-94  17:45   SILENCE.WAV
   5304  07-08-95  19:21   SLOTBELL.WAV
   5677  09-19-94  17:45   SLOTSIR2.WAV
   9396  07-12-95  15:29   SLOTSIRE.WAV
   8406  09-19-94  17:46   STAND.WAV
  48044  09-19-94  17:46   WHOOSHFA.WAV
 232523  09-24-94  12:50   BCCOLOR.DAT
 267744  08-11-95  15:19   BCCOLOR2.DAT
 282144  08-30-95  19:47   BOXCARS.EXE
  34828  08-30-95  15:00   MANUAL.TXT
   3211  08-12-95  20:50   MODS-1A.TXT
    373  08-19-95  21:04   MODS-1B.TXT
    706  08-30-95  20:06   MODS-1C.TXT
 ------                    -------
1170543                    60

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