[WinSite]WinSite Package: japan12c.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: japan12c.zip

Nihongo Sensei Talking Japanese tutor with hiragana 3/4

The package japan12c.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 238537 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Mar 23, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package japan12c.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/games/japan12c.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   6892  02-18-95  23:41   NYO.WA_
   7001  02-18-95  23:41   NYU.WA_
   3954  02-18-95  23:41   O.WA_
   4399  02-18-95  23:41   PA.WA_
   5367  02-18-95  23:41   PE.WA_
   4886  02-18-95  23:41   PI.WA_
   3237  02-18-95  23:41   PO.WA_
   5036  02-18-95  23:41   PU.WA_
   6892  02-18-95  23:41   PYA.WA_
   5645  02-18-95  23:41   PYO.WA_
   7324  02-18-95  23:41   PYU.WA_
   7717  02-18-95  23:41   RA.WA_
   7258  02-18-95  23:41   RE.WA_
   7376  02-18-95  23:41   RI.WA_
   6280  02-18-95  23:41   RO.WA_
   8027  02-18-95  23:41   RU.WA_
   6046  02-18-95  23:41   RYA.WA_
   6201  02-18-95  23:41   RYO.WA_
   6391  02-18-95  23:41   RYU.WA_
   6342  02-18-95  23:41   SA.WA_
   6415  02-18-95  23:41   SE.WA_
   7315  02-18-95  23:41   SHA.WA_
   9998  02-18-95  23:41   SHI.WA_
   6190  02-18-95  23:41   SHO.WA_
    555  02-18-95  23:41   SHOP.TS_
   8495  02-18-95  23:41   SHU.WA_
   6872  02-18-95  23:41   SO.WA_
  11293  02-18-95  23:41   SU.WA_
   6093  02-18-95  23:41   TA.WA_
   4517  02-18-95  23:41   TE.WA_
  33489  07-17-93  02:28   THREED.VB_
   3759  02-18-95  23:41   TO.WA_
    571  02-18-95  23:41   TRAIN.TS_
   4345  02-18-95  23:41   TSU.WA_
   9423  02-18-95  23:41   TTEKANA.FO_
   4062  02-18-95  23:41   U.WA_
     24  02-12-95  20:12   FILE_ID.DIZ
 ------                    -------
 245687                    37

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