LAUREL 2.0 f. MS ACCESS LAUREL 2.0 is a scientific reference database for MS-Access 2.0 and for use with the two-weekly published Current Contents on Diskette (by ISI). The program (still) contains German language, an english version will be published soon. Look for LAUREL20E!! ****************************************************************** Laurel is Shareware, and the price of DM 50,- is expected (alternatively you can send a receipt of a donation for the WorldWildLifeFond or the German Welthungerhilfe (details see readme.1st): DM 100.-. No other organisations are accepted. ****************************************************************** IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! The author guarantees NOTHING!! No Regress for lost data or any other problems and pitfalls! NO PARTS OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE CHANGED AND /OR DISTRIBUTED! CD_VENDORS: NO CD-DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! Following files are distributed with LAUREL 2.0: LAUREL.MDB ------------> THE program itself LAUREL.CUS -----------> file required for import from CCoD LAUREL-D.TXT LAUREL-E.TXT (this file) READ1st.WRI ------------> program infos (sorry, German) wait for engl. version LAUREL-E, coming soon! ****************************************************************** Hardware-requirements: 4Mb RAM (better 8MB) Software-requirements: MS-Windows3x MS-Access1.1 (Current Contents on Diskette) Shareware version is limited in function. Author: Thomas Reinard Grosse Barlinge 59 D-30171 Hannover Germany email: