Animated Doom Cursors for Windows95/NT Filename Description Cursor to Replace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dmvert.ani - Spinning vertical rocket Vertical Resize dmhor.ani - Spinning horizontal rocket Horizontal Resize dmdiag1.ani - Spinning diagonal rocket Diagonal Resize 1 dmdiag2.ani - Spinning diagonal rocket Diagonal Resize 2 dmskull.ani - Blinking eye skull Unavailable dmface.ani - Face from status bar Unavailable dmpoint1.ani - Soldier walking and firing gun Normal Select dmpoint2.ani - Soldier walking with gun on right Normal Select dmpoint3.ani - Soldier walking with gun on left Normal Select dmspaz.ani - Soldier spinning in a circle Working In Background dmwait.ani - Soldier exploding Busy dmchg1.ani - Chaingunner walking and firing Normal Select dmchg2.ani - Chaingunner spinning in a circle Working In Background dmchg3.ani - Chaingunner exploding Busy To use these cursors under Windows95: o Unzip the file into your C:\Windows\Cursors subdirectory. o Go under the Control Panel/Mouse/Pointers o Double Click on one of the cursors in the list, this will bring up an open dialog box. o Navigate to the C:\Windows\Cursors subdirectory and select on the of the animated Doom Cursors and click OK. o Repeat this procedure for all of the pointers.