Attribute VB_Name = "basMAIN" Option Explicit ' MetaGif converts Windows Metafiles to CompuServe Gif files. This ' 32 bit DLL allows image resizeing without distortion. With this ' library you can create WEB documents on the fly, from your Windows ' application. With MetaGif you can create a Gif file that is larger ' than the screen. ' ' The main() program is a simple example of how to use MetaGif. The program ' will convert the two Windows (placeable) Metafiles to CompuServe Gif ' files. You can use Microsoft Word to view the metafiles and the gif file ' results. ' ' See the MetaGif function declaration for a full description of usage. MetaGif ' is a Shareware program, see the readme.txt file for registration ' information. ' ' There are now two MetaGif DLLs, a 16 bit and 32 bit library. This example uses ' the 32 bit DLL with VB 4.0. ' ' THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS ' OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE ' IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ' PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ' ' Author: ' David E. Suffield ' Eckler Software ' 620 101st Court ' Vancouver, WA 98664 ' ' Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "Kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long ' Function: MetaGif() ' ' Purpose: Convert Placeable Metafiles to Gif files. ' ' Parameters: ' szWmf placeable metafile file name (input) ' szGif gif file name (output) ' scaleX scale factor percentage (100 = width*1) ' scaleY scale factor percentage (150 = height*1.5) ' ' Returns: ' -3 could not open placeable metafile ' -2 could not write gif file ' -1 not a placeable metafile ' 0 not enough memory ' 1 ok Declare Function MetaGif Lib "METAGIF32.DLL" (ByVal szWmf As String, ByVal szGif As String, ByVal scaleX As Integer, ByVal scaleY As Integer) As Integer Global stopit As Integer Sub main() Dim r As Integer, i As Integer, hInst As Long Dim exePath As String Screen.MousePointer = 11 ' Change pointer to hourglass. frmTest.txtMax = 10 frmTest.txtCnt = 0 frmTest.Show frmTest.Refresh If (Right$(App.Path, 1) <> "\") Then exePath = App.Path + "\" Else exePath = App.Path 'probably app.path="A:\" End If ' hInst = LoadLibrary(exePath + "metagif32.dll") stopit = False For i = 1 To 10 'Convert metafile to gif file, output is 50% bigger. r = MetaGif(exePath + "anchor.wmf", exePath + "anchor.gif", 150, 150) 'Convert metafile to gif file, output is 50% smaller. r = MetaGif(exePath + "coins.wmf", exePath + "coins.gif", 50, 50) frmTest.txtCnt = i r = DoEvents() If (stopit) Then Exit For Next ' r = FreeLibrary(hInst) Unload frmTest Screen.MousePointer = 0 End Sub