To Install Bench32: simply unzip the file into a directory of your preference (e.g. c:\programs\benchmarks\bench32). There should be 9 total files included in bench32.exe, bench32.hlp, bench32,txt, Bench32.dll, bench32.txt, vidbench.exe, example.sig, userfile.dbf., and this file install.txt, Make an icon, shortcut, or menu item for bench32.exe (not vidbench.exe), and run it! -Bench32.exe - application benchmark -Bench32.txt - a readme file for bench32.txt -Bench32.dll - a DLL file for Bench32 -Bench32.hlp - The Bench32 help file -example.sig - An example e-mail signature file -install.txt - This file -Readme.1st - Read this text before running Bench32 -userfile.dbf - A database file -vidbench.exe - The Video Benchark for Bench32